Get Started With Your New Business Life

Launch a new… IDEA;  BUSINESS; LIFE!

There’s a certain excitement about ALL THINGS NEW.

I am excited about this because it marks  a definite  change in my life and Hopefully YOURS TOO!

ONPASSIVE is about to be opened up during This month of June 2023. We Brand Ambassadors and founding members of ONPASSIVE are playing a crucial part by marking the calendar and preparing for  significant progress in the LAUNCH process.

From an IDEA to a PLAN, we PREPARED for the start of production. Now we have just finished the TEST of O-Connect and other products…

We cant wait for the full LAUNCH because it signifies the start of feeling part of the action… not just standing by and learning what is possible, listening to the dream and praying for success. THIS IS IT!

However, the process cycle repeats itself now that we are more than likely having to deal with PEOPLE IN OUR BUSINESS (Oh Yes)! This is where I have to introduce the terms MANAGEMENT and LEADERSHIP. If you have had to deal with People issues before, you’ll know what I mean.